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The Productivity Journal

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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VIP Design Days

Web Design Packages

Founder of House of Bettencourt


The Real Cost on Those $99 Website Design Agencies

A laptop displaying a Pinterest mood board, sitting on an olive-green chair, showcasing inspiration for a $99 website design and Showit designer in Toronto.

(And Why They’re Actually Expensive AF) Look, I get it. That $99 website design package looks tempting as hell when you’re starting out. But let’s get real about what’s actually happening behind those too-good-to-be-true prices, and why they might be the most expensive mistake your business makes this year. The Template Trap (AKA Welcome to […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

(And Why They’re Actually Expensive AF)

Look, I get it. That $99 website design package looks tempting as hell when you’re starting out. But let’s get real about what’s actually happening behind those too-good-to-be-true prices, and why they might be the most expensive mistake your business makes this year.

The Template Trap (AKA Welcome to Looking Like Everyone Else)

When you sign up for a $99 website design, you’re basically getting the digital equivalent of fast fashion. They’re grabbing a basic WordPress template (probably the same one they used for the last 100 clients), slapping your logo on it, and calling it a day. Your brand deserves better than being the business equivalent of wearing the same outfit as everyone else at the party.

Those “Hidden” Fees (That Aren’t Actually Hidden, Just Written in Size 2 Font)

That $99 price tag? It’s about as real as my commitment to morning pages. They make their real money through monthly maintenance fees, hosting charges that are higher than my coffee budget (and that’s saying something), and charging you extra every time you need to change a comma. What should be included suddenly becomes a “premium” feature. Make it make sense.

The Never-Ending Game of “Who’s My Designer Today?”

Instead of having one person who gets your vision, you’ll find yourself explaining your brand to a different person every. single. time. It’s like playing telephone with your business dreams, and we all know how that game ends. Your website deserves better than being passed around like that holiday fruit cake nobody wants.

What Actually Goes Into a Converting Website

Let’s talk about what a REAL website needs to actually convert visitors into clients (you know, the whole point of having a website in the first place).

First up, strategy. We’re not just throwing pretty pictures on a page and calling it done. A converting website needs customer journey mapping, user experience planning, and content that actually speaks to your ideal clients. This means understanding who’s visiting your site and what they need to see to hit that ‘contact’ button.

Then there’s the tech stuff. We’re talking proper SEO setup (so Google actually knows you exist), fast loading times (because nobody waits 10 seconds for a page to load anymore), and mobile optimization (because most people are scrolling on their phones while watching Netflix, let’s be real).

The Real Numbers Behind “Budget” Websites

Let’s break down what that $99 website really costs:

  • Initial design: $99
  • Monthly “maintenance”: $50-100
  • Basic hosting: $30-50/month
  • Every tiny revision: $50-100 each
  • Premium features you actually need: $200-500
  • SEO basics (that should be included): $300+

After a year, that “$99 website” has cost you well over $1,000 – and you still don’t have a site that’s actually working for your business.

When $99 website design Becomes Really Expensive

Want to know when that bargain website really starts hurting?

It’s the moment you realize you’re standing in a space that doesn’t feel like your own—it’s like walking into someone else’s house, completely disconnected from your brand.. Your website becomes a generic, lifeless placeholder that fails to reflect your unique voice, leaving you feeling like a stranger to your own online presence. There’s no authentic brand storytelling, no carefully crafted customer journey, and certainly no strategic approach to SEO that could help you stand out.

Questions to Ask Before Falling for That $99 Deal

Before you click that tempting “buy now” button, ask yourself:

  • Can I afford to lose potential clients because my website looks unprofessional?
  • Do I really want to explain my business vision to a new person every time I need a change?
  • Am I okay with my website looking exactly like my competitors’?
  • Can I afford to rebuild my site when this one doesn’t work out?

The Bottom Line

A website isn’t just a digital business card you throw into the internet void. It’s your hardest-working employee, your best salesperson, and your brand ambassador all rolled into one. It should be converting visitors into clients while you sleep, making you look like the professional boss you are, and actually showing up in Google searches (imagine that).

Ready to create website content that actually speaks to your ideal clients (and won’t put them to sleep)? Grab my free Website Writing Prompts and start doing this thing right.


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