Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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Founder of House of Bettencourt


Flodesk Email Marketing: Why It’s My Ride-or-Die Platform

Stylish desktop setup featuring an iMac displaying a cozy October-themed collage with pumpkins and fall decor, set in a warm, orange-lit workspace.

Let’s get real for a hot second. As a business owner, my to-do list is longer than a CVS receipt, and figuring out email marketing platforms? Yeah, that’s about as fun as a root canal. But then I stumbled upon Flodesk, and suddenly, email marketing went from “ugh, do I have to?” to “hell yes, […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Let’s get real for a hot second. As a business owner, my to-do list is longer than a CVS receipt, and figuring out email marketing platforms? Yeah, that’s about as fun as a root canal. But then I stumbled upon Flodesk, and suddenly, email marketing went from “ugh, do I have to?” to “hell yes, let’s do this!”

Why Flodesk Email Marketing Stole My Heart (and My Subscription)

  1. It’s Stupid Simple (in the Best Way Possible) Look, I’m juggling a million things, and the last thing I need is to waste hours figuring out how to send a simple email. Flodesk is so intuitive, I can create and send emails even when my brain is running on fumes. It’s like the “Easy Button” of email marketing.
  2. Templates That Make You Look Like a Design Genius Even if your design skills are limited to stick figures (no judgment, we’ve all been there), Flodesk’s templates will make you look like you have a secret design team on speed dial. They’re so pretty, you’ll want to frame them and hang them on your wall.
  3. Time is Money, and Flodesk is My Time Machine Yes, there are cheaper (even free) options out there. But how much is your time worth? The hours I save not wrestling with a clunky interface or trying to make ugly templates look presentable? That’s worth its weight in gold, my friend.
  4. It Grows With Your Business (Without Growing Your Bill) No more stressing about hitting subscriber limits or watching your bill creep up as your list grows. One flat rate, unlimited subscribers. It’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet for your email list. Bring on the subscribers!

But What About the Price Tag?

I hear you. Flodesk isn’t the cheapest option out there, especially when you’re comparing it to free plans. But here’s the thing: as a business owner, I’ve learned that sometimes you’ve gotta invest to save your sanity.

For me, Flodesk isn’t just an expense – it’s an investment in my business and my mental health. And let me tell you, my stress levels (and my email game) have never been better.

The Flodesk Features That I’m Obsessed with

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Creating emails is as easy as building with Legos. But, you know, for adults.
  • Workflow Automation: Set it and forget it. Your email sequences will run smoother than your coffee machine.
  • Segment Your List: Because not all subscribers are created equal. Tailor your messages like a boss.
  • Analytics That Don’t Need a PhD to Understand: Clear, concise, and actually helpful. Mind-blowing, I know.

Ready to Join the Flodesk Fan Club?

Look, email marketing doesn’t have to be a pain in the you-know-what. With Flodesk, it can actually be (dare I say it?) fun.

Ready to give it a whirl? Click here to get 50% off your first year!.

P.S. Full disclosure: It’s an affiliate link. If you sign up, I might get a little somethin’-somethin’. But I’d be shouting about Flodesk from the rooftops even if they weren’t paying me. It’s just that good.

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