Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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VIP Design Days

Web Design Packages

Founder of House of Bettencourt


Don’t Let Your Website Be a Hot Mess: Why Design and Copy Need to Play Nice

Hands typing on an old-fashioned typewriter, surrounded by books and a small plant on a wooden desk, creating a nostalgic, vintage writing atmosphere. Website Design and Copy

Let’s get real for a sec. You know that feeling when you walk into a store and everything looks amazing, but the sales guy sounds like he’s reading from a robot manual? Yeah, that’s what happens when your website design and copy aren’t on speaking terms. The Dream Team: Design and Copy Look, I’m a […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Let’s get real for a sec. You know that feeling when you walk into a store and everything looks amazing, but the sales guy sounds like he’s reading from a robot manual? Yeah, that’s what happens when your website design and copy aren’t on speaking terms.

The Dream Team: Design and Copy

Look, I’m a web designer. I love making things pretty. But here’s the tea: a gorgeous website with crappy copy is like a Tinder profile with great pics and a bio that says “I like stuff.” It’s not gonna get you anywhere.

Here’s why you need both design and copy to bring their A-game:

  1. First Impressions: Good design is the equivalent of a firm handshake. Great copy is the witty one-liner that follows.
  2. User Experience: Design is the map, copy is the tour guide. You need both to avoid leaving your visitors lost and confused.
  3. Brand Vibes: Your design and copy should be finishing each other’s sentences, not speaking different languages.
  4. Google Love: Design keeps Google happy with things like speed and mobile-friendliness. Copy gives Google the juicy content it craves.

My Not-So-Secret Sauce: Design with Copy in Mind

Here’s the deal: I always, ALWAYS tell my clients to get their copy ready before we even think about design. Why? Because trying to design a website without copy is like trying to wrap a present without knowing what’s inside. You might end up with a weirdly shaped mess that screams “I tried” but doesn’t quite hit the mark.

I’ve got copywriting guides to help you out, or I can work with what you’ve got. Heck, I’ll even make suggestions if you’re stuck. The point is, we need those words before we start playing with pretty layouts.

Confession Time: I Sucked at My Own Advice

Okay, storytime. Even though I preach about good copy all day long, my own website was… let’s just say it wasn’t winning any awards. I had words up there, sure. But they were about as exciting as a beige wall.

Enter Emelie from Pass the Queso. (Side note: How great is that name?)

I signed up for her Personality Profits copy sprint, focusing on my homepage, website packages page, and Canvas to Clicks page. And holy guacamole, did it make a difference.

Emelie Head Huncho @ Pass The Queso

From Word Vomit to Word Wow

Emelie took my rambling thoughts (let’s be honest, it was verbal diarrhea) and turned them into copy that actually sounds like me – but a more articulate, persuasive version of me. It was like she reached into my brain, organized the mess in there, and created something brilliant.

The best part? She didn’t rush me or settle for “meh, that’ll do.” She really cared about getting it right. And let me tell you, it feels so good to actually be proud of both my website design and copy now.

The Result: Confidence

Now, I’m not just designing websites. I’m designing websites with copy that packs a punch. I’m proud to show off my site, and I’m excited to see how it converts.

And can we talk about how refreshing it is to work with someone who’s just real? Emelie’s not about that polished, corporate BS. She lets you be you, which is probably why the copy ends up sounding so authentic.

Your Turn: Give Your Website Some Love

If your website copy is making you cringe, do yourself a favor and check out Emelie’s Personality Profits sprint. It’s open now, just in time for you to level up before the year-end craziness hits.

Remember, your website is often the first impression people get of your business. Don’t let it be the equivalent of showing up to a first date in sweatpants with bed head. Give it the one-two punch of stellar design AND copy that converts!

Emelies Deets:

Personality Profits:

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Looking for Website tips & tricks? no costumes needed.

Join my email list “The Web Designer Homemaker”

Ways you can work with me:

✍️ Download my free Website Project Planner

👽 Book your Custom Web and Brand Design Project

🌶️ Book your VIP Design Day

❤️‍🔥Get on the Waitlist for Canvas to Clicks



Chantel is amazing! I needed an expert in all things website design, and she delivered above and beyond. As a multifaceted professional, I required two websites – one for selling my hand-poured candles and another for my main profession as a hairstylist. She also created a brand board and logos for me. For my candle website, she taught me how to use Shopify and customized everything to my liking. She sent me videos and tutorials to help me understand how to use and make changes moving forward. Honestly, I couldn’t have imagined working with a better website designer. She's so fun and kind.


I feel really lucky to have been connected with her.

artist & coach, AUSTIN TEXAS

"She’s also a patient and kind collaborator — which I think is key on major projects like launching a website/shop. She’ll take your hand and walk you through the process from start to finish. "


If you’re looking for a Shopify wizard to make your website dreams come true, Chantel is your woman.


Chantel was extremely pleasant and easy to communicate with. She was very quick to respond and to turnaround work products. We needed a website for a medical practice, which was a bit outside her normal clientele, but Chantel went above and beyond to ensure we were happy with the finished product. Overall a 10/10 experience.


The platforms and processes she used were very streamlined and efficient, which made our lives easier.

executive coach, SAN FRANCISCO

You gave me some great options. The placeholder photographs you found were particularly helpful in making sure I ended up with the right images for my brand.
I would absolutely recommend you to coach friends looking to put together their website!

cammie dunaway

Very responsive to my comments and incredibly fast!

Let’s get your website reflecting where you are in business, and not where you were.